Friday, August 15, 2008

It's been a while...

I used to blog regularly a few years ago, and it's a habit that I've wanted to get back into for a while. I figure that if it had more of a purpose, I'd write more often and more intentionally.

I'm entering my fourth year (out of 5) at Grand Valley as I continue to pursue my Bachelor's of Social Work. After 3 summers of ministry at Grace Adventures, I'm in a growth period of my life where I feel I need to capture and preserve the things that God is teaching me. My family life is much different than it was before. God turned it upside down last fall when my dad had a severe stroke with long-term impact.

In a nutshell, my life is in a season of transition. I'm transitioning slowly towards deeper dependence on God, appropriate independence from my family, and more complete interdependence with the body of Christ. As I continue in this learning process, I hope this blog proves to be an honest, authentic look at the journey God's leading me on.

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